The Ex-Roma Girls Association (EROGA) was founded at a meeting on 29th August 1992 in the Roma Girls Secondary School Hall. Since then the association which is now an Alumni embarked on various projects of priority to the school to give back and ease the burden on the Religious Sisters if Charity who are the founders of the school.

The association has continued to help the school, financially and otherwise. Funds have been raised through braiis and get-togethers and over the years these funds have been used to towards various projects at the school.

The former pupils take a keen interest in the school’s progress and jealously guard the good reputation of the school. They also sponsor some present pupils with school fees and monitor the academic progress of those sponsored.

Former pupils in UK, South Africa and USA have formed their own chapters of EROGA and are keenly interested in all that is going on at Roma Girls’.

Every year in November a Memorial Mass is celebrated for all deceased former pupils and is usually well attended.

From time to time some former pupils have been invited to speak to the present pupils about careers. This has been a great help to the present pupils and a source of encouragement in making the right choices about their future lives.

Another feature of EROGA is the fellowship and solidaritythey experience in times of touble particularly during bereavements and funerals. Many former pupils commented on the support and sustenance received during these traumatic times and what a wonderful experience it is to know and have such friends at a time when life is difficult.

EROGA will continue to support one another whether pass or present and that the good relationship existing between past and present will continue.